Join the Conversation

Your place to provide your thoughts, perspectives and feedback on projects happening across the district.

Be part of the decisions that affect you every day: your roads, drinking water, parks and more.

Open for feedback

Cemeteries Bylaw

Cemeteries Bylaw

We’ve drafted a Cemeteries Bylaw that we think addresses the issues raised by our community, and want your input. Your feedback helps us to ensure our cemeteries remain respectful and peaceful places.

Cemeteries Bylaw

Community Safety Bylaw

We started talking to the community about our Public Amenities Bylaw and Public Safety Bylaw (now the Community Safety Bylaw and Cemeteries Bylaw), towards the end of last year. We have carefully considered the feedback and suggesting the following changes to incorporate community feedback and legislative changes.

Cemeteries Bylaw

Gambling and TAB Venues Policies

Our Gambling Venue and TAB Venue Policies are up for review. We are required to have these policies and review them every three years by law.