Join the conversation on proposed 2025/26 Fees and Charges
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We review our Fees and Charges annually as part of the Annual Plan or Long Term Plan process. This regular review ensures fees and charges are up to date and reflect the actual and reasonable costs of providing services and activities to the community.
As part of the review, a period of public consultation is held to seek community feedback.
For more information - check out the consultation documents and FAQs below.
Consultation Documents
Frequently Asked Questions
Fees and Charges are either total or partial cost recoveries for certain services. The proportion of costs that can be recovered through fees and charges for any given activity is set out in our Revenue and Financing Policy.
Fees and Charges cover a wide range of our services including swimming pool entry fees, dog registration fees, facility hire, and building consents.
Get in touch
You can contact us if you have any enquiries or want to know more about the proposed Fees and Charges or the consultation process.